Monday, October 19, 2009

Music Monday: There will be a day...

About this time of year, colleges across the nation are filled with the never-ceasing cries and complaints of their anxious, exhausted, and in-need-of-a-break students. The days leading up to fall-break are 1) greatly desired and 2) much needed, especially as every professor finds it increasingly necessary to give exams, papers, quizzes, readings, etc. etc. etc. I, for one, am quite ready to sleep until Jesus comes again. Not. Even. Kidding.

Especially during these stressful days, I've been struggling to find a time to just relax, to just experience God's peace. I've been waiting desperately for fall break to arrive, counting down each day with great anticipation, the kind of anticipation you experience right before you get to enjoy the most delicious, mouth-watering chocolate cake at a meal. However, as October 21st draws nearer and nearer, I am reminded constantly of everything I have yet to do this week.

As the days come and go, some are filled with great joy and hope.. others with pain and sorrow, even tears. But there's reassurance in Revelation 21:4, which says there will be a day when "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." (NIV)

What a comforting scripture. There are many things in life which are difficult and cause pain and there are times when we want to give up (like right before fall-break). But even when it seems there is not hope and I'm wanting to give up, the promise that God gives us in this verse provides me with peace. There will be trials and tribulations, but God gives us the hope of eternity, where there will be no more suffering and pain.

The following is a song written and sung by Jeremy Camp, which outlines the message God provides to us in Revelation.

Anywho, fall break is less than 24 hours away. And even though it's no heaven, its coming is greatly appreciated by myself and my fellow undergrads. Can't wait to dig into that rich, velvety, chocolatey cake. Bring on the cake (and the extra pounds)!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

One more thing to add to my busy schedule

I've had this idea floating around in my crazy mess of a brain for a while, but have been seemingly unmotivated to act on it. This is partly because of my second-guessing nature, but also partly because of my busy schedule.

Up until this point, I was relatively unsure if I could actually contribute something meaningful and worth-reading. I did not want to waste precious amounts of the "interweb" by filling it with my cyber-writings and rantings. By giving it some thought and time (and I mean a lot of time), I've reassured myself that this blog will be more of a sorting and sharing process for myself than a tremendously profound place to for you to gather insight. However, this is not to say that you, the reader, aren't an incredibly important piece of the puzzle. It is my hope that I am able to share something, give something, or say something that makes you think to yourself.. "ah-ha." That moment of discovery is what life's all about. Discovering and thinking about life in a way that necessitates action and love.

Now on to reader discretion, not so much as to the content of my posts, but as to their frequency. I'm going to make every effort to post regularly. Unfortunately, with working 30+ hours a week on top of being a full-time college student (Messiah plug!), I know there will be times when I'm unable to post and even times when I'll forget about this good 'ole blog of mine (insert reader gasps). I'm really going to try to use this as a place to write, express, sort through, rediscover, examine, dive deeper, and explore various aspects on my journey of life. I hope you will decide to join me on this journey. After all, I am just a fellow traveler. And traveling alone is neither fun nor exciting.